learn Finnish Phrases Misunderstanding lesson

learn Finnish online Misunderstanding lesson

Finnish Phrases List about Misunderstanding

There are times when you will not understand what a person said in Finnish, or simply that you want them to repeat a word. The following are 24 expressions used to clear misunderstandings. Very essential to any conversation!

Misunderstanding in Finnish

Misunderstanding Finnish
Can you repeat? Voisitko toistaa?
Can you speak slowly? Voisitko puhua hitaasti?
Did you understand what I said? Ymmärsitkö mitä sanoin?
Don't worry! Älä huoli!
Excuse me? (i-e- I beg your pardon?) Anteeksi?
How do you say "OK" in French? Miten sanotaan ""OK"" ranskaksi?
I don't know! En tiedä!
I don't understand! En ymmärrä!
I need to practice my French Minun täytyy harjoitella ranskaani
Is that right?Todellako? / Onko se oikein?
Is that wrong? Onko se väärin?
Mistake Virhe
My French is bad Ranskani on huonoa
No problem! Ei mitään!
Quickly Nopeasti
Slowly Hitaasti
Sorry (to apologize) Anteeksi
To speak Puhua
What does that word mean in English? Mitä tuo sana tarkoittaa englanniksi?
What is this? Mitä tämä on?
What should I say? Mitä minun tulisi sanoa?
What? Mitä? Mikä?
What's that called in French? Mitä se on ranskaksi?
Write it down please!Kirjoittaisitko sen paperille!
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