Learn Norwegian Vocabulary food lesson


Learn Norwegian online food lesson

Vocabulary List about Food

Below is a list of 50 words related to food such as fruits, vegetables and edible items. If you can memorize them by heart, you will be able to buy many food necessities from the supermarket or off the menu in a restaurant without a problem.

Food List in Norwegian

Food Norwegian
Breakfast frokost
Lunch lunsj
Dinner middag
Meal måltid
Apples epler
Avocados Avocadoer
Bananas bananer
Beans Bønner
Bread brød
Butter smør
Carrots gulrot
Cheese ost
Chicken kylling
Coffee kaffe
Corn Mais
Cucumbers Agurker
Eggs egg
Figs Fikener
Fish fisk
Food Mat
Fruit frukt
Garlic Hvitløk
Grapes Druer
Ice cream iskrem
Lemons Sitroner
Lettuce Salatblad
Meat kjøtt
Milk melk
Olives Olivener
Onions løk
Orange juice appelsinjuice
Oranges appelsiner
Peaches Ferskener
Pears Pærer
Peppers Paprikaer
Pineapples Ananas
Pizza pizza
Potatoes poteter
Pumpkin Gresskar
Salad salat
Salt salt
Sandwich smørbrød
Soda (like Coke) brus
Strawberries Jordbær
Sugar sukker
Tea te
Tomatoes tomater
Vegetables Grønnsaker
Water vann
Watermelon Vannmelon
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